Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Changing Majors, Coughing Feathers

Being an Animal Science major meant dealing with a bunch of seemingly unnecessary agriculture classes. I was thinking and thinking about how working at the vet clinic made me feel. It was fun, but it didn't feel like my idea of the perfect life long adventure that many call a career.

So, I began brainstorming. Using every resource I could think of. I spent hours on Bridges, finding the perfect future job for me, or at least a more perfect major.

Then it hit me. Science was my clear passion. I had to do something in the science field. Biology. I had mastered the art of AP Biology last year and it was the only class that I actually retained information from. Plus, I could become a doctor with a degree in biology. 

It was clearly perfect. So I made the switch. 

I, however, did NOT change my classes like I wanted to. Now I am stuck in Poultry Science, going to labs in the buildings that reek of ammonia, even though it's a low percentage. 

Now, if you don't know me, I used to have asthma. It has been managed pretty well over the past several years, but the ammonia felt like a trigger. It could be a small amount of ammonia and I will feel like I am going to pass out. 

I am also freaked out by birds. They have those talons and those beaks. Clearly, not my favorite. But the 26 day old chickens were cuter than I imagined they would be. 

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