Monday, March 24, 2014

What Relationships Have Taught Me

I never thought it was possible to miss someone after only having left them five minutes before. I thought people who felt that were ridiculous or lying. Yet here I am. 
I used to think those couples who fit in 4 kisses before leaving are absurd. I used to be content with just one. Yet here I am. 
I used to wait by my phone for a text I knew wasn't going to come. I've spent time waiting for a man, and then I found one that doesn't always make me wait and I know regardless that he'll respond and here I am.
I used to think relationships didn't mean time apart and I always craved being able to read and book. Now I have a balance between the two. 
I had a lot of misconceptions about relationships when I was going through all the wrong ones, that now that I feel like I'm the right one, I can see my faults. 
I should've known better than to believe that I was the reason each relationship failed. Or that sex could make you love another person. Or that the only time a guy would say I love you was when he hands were tracing zipper of my pants and his lips were touching mine. I've learned a lot from those middle school relationships, including that communication is important. Or from my first 6 month relationship, including that sometimes you can love someone with all your heart but not want to be with them and that that's okay. From my relationship with someone in another religion, I learned that you need similar points of interest to keep going. From my relationship with someone from outside of the country, I learned that differences in culture can change your values in a relationship. From my relationship with a rich guy, I learned that money doesn't make someone better and that we all have our own problems. And from all those guys I've dated, I've learned that the least attractive guy will still make you feel like shit if you give him the chance. 
From Sam, I've learned that communication involves more than just your words, and that it's the difference between getting in a huge fight and resolving a conflict with minimal damage. I've learned that you don't have to say I love you to feel it. Your actions can make the difference, you can tell me that you love me or you can show me through your actions. I've learned that love isn't about sex, it's about the connection you have with the other person. I've learned that being patient is the greatest quality. I've learned that sometimes you want to be with someone so often that it doesn't matter what you do in your time together. I've learned that being straightforward and honest isn't a bad quality that I have. Being that honest person helps both parties out in the end. And most of all, I've learned that the right person does come when you least expect it. You'll meet a lot of wrong ones along the way, but each wrong guy is a lesson and a step towards the right guy.

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